Professional experience? More than 60 years to date...
Together, Dr Weyland and her assistant have already accumulated a considerable number of years of professional experience.

Sabine Anthes
A medical assistant since 1995, Ms. Anthes has worked with Dr. Weyland since 2005. Ms. Anthes' field of expertise is extensive: as an assistant with years of experience in many types of surgery, she is optimally qualified to assist with a variety of procedures and is also qualified to use the mobile x-ray device for bone procedures. In addition to her day-to-day responsibilities, she also handles the wide-ranging and complex challenges associated with managing a modern medical practice, including corresponding with insurers and authorities, and billing. In this respect she makes every effort to keep her skills up to date by participating in advanced training courses. She is also responsible for quality management.
As the proud mother of two young adults who are very active in sports, Ms. Anthes is closely involved in a variety of activities and even finds time to care for the family's gardens and orchards "on the side".